People have always felt a certain attachment to the outdoors. Plenty of nature enthusiasts raves about the benefits of spending time outside and how it makes them feel complete. You may have assumed that you have to be a certain type of person to feel something like that, but countless studies have shown how universal it is. Scientists have shown that humans just love nature and that nature loves us back. There is substantial evidence to show that exposure to nature results in our overall better emotional well-being.
This makes perfect sense considering how often we try to immerse ourselves in nature. If we can’t go see animals in the wilderness, we go to sanctuaries or zoos. If we can’t go deep-sea diving, we watch a deep-sea documentary instead. There is an undoubted curiosity and draw to our natural world and it shouldn’t be ignored.
In fact, a specific study done by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 2013 shows that exposure to nature literally acts like a breath of fresh air. All of our cramped city living creates a boring monotonous environment. Even zoo animals need enrichment to feel happy and engaged in their surroundings. Nature was proven to act as a reset button for our attention spans and mood. Whether it’s from being exposed in real life or simply a photograph, nature fascinates us. Our brains love being stimulated by these visuals and a new focus for our attention.
In addition to that, living our lives in 4 plain walls disconnects us from the outside world. Our attention is invested in our screens and the world within. But even viewing nature through a window or photography brings that emotional connection back. Feeling connected with the natural world, either by living near it or just surrounding yourself with it, has been linked to better mental health. Sometimes we need a reminder that it’s all about perspective. The world isn’t all dull drab cubicles. There’s so much beauty to be experienced, and we live in a world where you can see it all with a click. So why would you deny yourself this enrichment in your life?
How long do you spend staring at your screen every day? Most of us have started to spend far more time indoors and on our devices than outside. In fact, going out to be in nature is something that typically needs to be planned. It’s interesting to question why many of us feel drawn to nature or feel refreshed after spending time in it. Nature deprivation is all too real, especially in a Covid-19 world. Many people who struggled to figure out what to do with their free time at the start of the pandemic started to enjoy their parks and green spaces more. People were forced to go outside where it was safer to gather, and they felt that the crisis was momentarily better. People were finding a sense of peace in nature in a world suffering. Some people found respite in nature, and kept returning back to it and as things opened back up.
While this may not be surprising, it is alarming to consider that nature deprivation is associated with depression. Being isolated constantly reduces your mental wellbeing and feelings of happiness and optimism. In addition to this, visuals of nature can help you feel more energetic and revitalized. After all, when you can pick what part of our beautiful world can be in your home, your mood is bound to improve. Maybe you’ve never considered the elegance of a quiet landscape or been in awe of a Snow Owl. But now you can, and you can choose to keep that feeling of wellbeing or calmness around for much longer.
If you’ve ever had to stop and think about how much media you consume, you can relate to the joy that images can bring. It’s undeniable that we love images, and we love to consume visual media. Images captivate our minds so intensely because we use more of our brain to process visual stimuli than any other sense. They are the most interesting thing for our brains to consume. For this reason, images are very powerful influences on our mood and emotions. Most people would agree that watching a scary movie is far more intense than reading a horror book. As a result, we make strong associations with images and the emotions that they invoke.
So now that we know this about ourselves, how can we use that for our own good? This is where art can help. Wildlife artwork for your walls or images of nature can be a great way to fight off nature deprivation. Choose wildlife art or other images that bring you joy or lift your mood. If you know what kind of energy that you would like in a room, pursue that through the art you choose. You could pick wildlife pictures for bedroom, or eye-catching pictures for where you entertain guests. Whatever wildlife art you go with, try to go with something that fits into your home and personality.
Of all the images out there, why wildlife artwork for your walls? Pet owners can vouch for the benefits of having an animal in their life. Studies have shown that they can reduce blood pressure, ease stress and anxiety, and help create feelings of well-being and connection. Even if you can’t own a pet, you can experience these benefits. You can try watching TV programs about animals, visiting a zoo, and even adding wildlife pictures to your home.
Aside from animals, being in nature or seeing scenes of it also has its benefits. Similarly, one can experience reduced stress and anxiety, tranquility, and feelings of contentment. Exposing yourself or surrounding yourself with nature helps both your physical and emotional state. Choose natural landscapes or wildlife artwork for your walls that bring you these feelings. Some people may find a greater connection to snowy scenes and some might feel invigorated by horses running on the beach. Take some time to browse for images that add some diversity and break up the monotony of your home. Use these images as an anchor that grounds your mood whenever you see them. After all, your home should make you feel good yet connected with the rest of the world.
There’s a reason that hospitals, schools, and offices also try to do this with art, fine art photography, or plants. Without any of these anchors, our indoor spaces would look too sanitized and unwelcoming. No one wants to spend all their time in a concrete box. Understandably, if you do, you’ve likely felt some stress or anxiety. Take care of your mood and mental wellbeing by spending as much time with nature as you can. And for the times that you can’t, utilize art to bring some of those same benefits into your home…https://ejazkhanearth.com/wildlife-artwork-for-your-walls/
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