Ejaz Khan Photography
6 min readDec 22, 2021


Why images of white owls? Snowy owl pictures might seem a bit new on my art photography website, as I haven’t had much opportunity to create snowy owl images and white owl art. I was able to shoot these images during my last trip to Canada, and I was able to get white owl images, black and white owl pictures, snowy images, and white owl art. The chance became available, so I needed to take it. I was expecting the weather to be cold (when taking snowy white owl pictures, pictures of owls flying as well as snowy owl art) and also unforgiving as usual. No one flies to Canada hoping for the tropics. No tropical birds around where I’m going, only white owls in flight, white and snowy owl art. It wasn’t as bad as I had braced myself for, just a cool -30°F. My guide and I trekked out into the snowy treeless tundra where we could find the owls for pictures of owls flying In these white fields, their immaculate feathers blend them perfectly for owl art images.

Our large collection of Snowy Owl Photos, white owl images, snowy owl drawings, black and white snowy owl pictures are Premium High Res Pictures is not just art, it and other owl art images create awareness of these stunning owls as well as wonderful snow images. If you love birds in a cold climate, take a look at our bald eagle art.


You might ask yourself which photos for sale and snowy images should you get? What experience do you want to bring into your home? What emotion do you want to feel when you see the snowy owl, images of white owls, or pictures of owls flying displayed in your space? Finding the perfect piece that connects with us also involves taste, style, and of course emotional appeal. You want to feel the pure energy that you can’t get with generic Snowy owl stock photos and snowy owl prints. Another important aspect to consider is to connect with the fine art photographer.


As we took fine art photography of the snowy owls, we learned that their population has been declining for some time. While they eat voles, arctic hares, and smaller birds, these creatures depend mostly on lemmings. The small rodents account for about 90 percent of their diets. They live off of moss and also greens, even surviving the winters, but they need the right conditions to thrive. They need enough snowmelt to both to hide from predators and have vegetation to eat, which is directly affected by climate change. Snowy owls need to eat a pound of meat a day, so they depend on plenty of lemmings to get them through. These creatures have seen a drop in numbers because lemming populations have suffered too.

In light of this decline in numbers, I consulted a scientist in Canada who studies snowy owls and also their movements. He utilizes tracking bands that monitor individual birds for one to two years. He is able to track birds flying from Siberia to Canada to Alaska and back to Siberia and then back again to Alaska. His work was truly fascinating and it also gave me insight into just how busy these creatures were. We work endlessly to support and create awareness for the snowy owl through our art photography just like we with our pictures of mustang horses.


These snowy owls had been the first birds I had photographed in quite some time, about three years. In this time span, I had forgotten a very crucial detail about photographing birds. I was going to have to be very patient. I was used to being patient, after all, that is a good chunk of my work as a wildlife photographer. However, the patience required for capturing snow owl images or other birds was a different level than that for mammals. My guide picked up on my realization and reminded me that I was just going to have to wait to get pictures of snowy owls. And wait we did, for a long long time.

I sat there in the freezing cold without my glasses, which also made me a bit uncomfortable. I wanted to photograph the white owl flying to have beautiful white owl images. My hiatus from photographing birds also made me forget that I had to keep my eye glued to the viewfinder to shoot pictures of snowy owls. I had to be ready for the right shot to literally fly into my frame. When they’re not on the go, snowy owls like to perch in particular places like branches or poles. They can stay very still for extended periods of time, which can get quite boring to observe; so I had to wait for them to get snowy owl prints. Unlike human models, who can be asked to move around and pose, I just had to wait for them to change positions. And so I just had to be patient with my snowy owl images.


After much waiting, a large white shape flew into the frame. I missed my white owl flying shot by a few seconds because I wasn’t able to press down on the shutter button fast enough. At first, I thought it was just because I was rusty and my reaction time had also slowed down. My guide then pointed out the burns on my fingers. I had put them to the back of my mind and almost forgot that they were there when I was taking images of white owls. The weather is extremely cold reminding me of when I went to Norway to take a bull photo.

While on my last trip to the Arctic, I had kept my finger on the shutter in the freezing wind. As a result, I effectively gave myself frostbite. So engrossed in the snowy owl images that I forgot to take care of it. This was hindering my fine-art photography. There were white owls flying around me, I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to photograph them.

I tried my best to work through the pain, but on our second day of taking snowy owl photos, my nails were popping. The cold weather made this pain excruciating. However, I had no choice but to keep pushing. I was here for snowy owl images, and that’s what I was going to leave with. At the end of the day, I’m glad that I persevered. Gloves or not, the process is what I was glad to work through. My snowy owl art as always is for my viewers, but the journey is for me, and I’m also especially proud of this one. I was able to come back with truly breathtaking pictures of snowy owls as well as white owl photography that I’m happy to share with you. I love photographing wildlife in extreme weather which you can see in our reindeer prints.


We must take action to help preserve all the beautiful animals on our Earth. As a fashion photographer, I pay the models when I shoot an editorial. As a wildlife photographer, I cannot pay the animals in our snowy owl images. So to give back, I’ve developed relationships with conservation organizations, such as The Wolf Conservation Center, and World Animal Protection. A part of all of our photography print sales goes to one of these organizations for them to do what they do best. So when you buy prints of any size from Ejaz Khan Earth, you are helping these animals. Our invitation is open to you, your friends, family, and fellow animal lovers to enjoy their favorite image available in different sizes.

You won’t feel the same energy when looking at ordinary Snowy owl stock photos compared to the fine detail in our fine art photography prints.




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