Ejaz Khan Photography
3 min readJan 8, 2021



Home Decor with Fine Arts Photography

These musk ox pictures in snow make for ideal decor, for home, office, and also business establishment. They show so much power and strength that just looking at them gives me high energy. Though I prefer them on a metallic Kodak paper we have sold a few on fine art mat paper they are also available to order in a variety of sizes, print material, and framing options. However, you choose to go about selecting the perfect photo to bring into your home, focus on the decorative objects and artwork that bring you absolute joy. If your heart speaks to a black and white photograph, listen to it and find a collection suited best for your walls.

If your heart beats to a colorful and vibrant fine art photo, it can be a great focal point for family events and also your special guests. Above all, it’s all about what your heart wants. Follow it because it will never set you wrong. We welcome all to enjoy pictures of animals from around the world.

Musk Ox Characteristics

Male and also female musk oxen have long curved horns. Musk oxen stand 4 to 5 ft high. They have a small tail which is concealed under a layer of fur. Adults, on average 630 pounds.


Dominant musk oxen often get access to the best resources and also land. They will displace subordinates from patches of grass during the winter season. Musk oxen bulls assert their dominance in many ways. Bulls are also known to roar, they swing their heads, and also paw the ground. The dominant bulls often treat subordinate bulls like cows of an ice age.

How Climate Change Affects the Musk Oxen

Taking these Musk Oxen are inexorably linked to climate stressors in the Arctic. Unlike people and other animal species, they do not adapt very well to warm weather temperatures and they are also feeling the brunt of CLIMATE CHANGE. Due to climate change, it’s been found that newborn musk ox has a smaller head size.

Like many animals, they are forced to migrate northwards as warming temperatures force them to also find new habitats. In the near future, they and other species could run out of places to retreat to.


Conservation: How We Help Animals Affected by Climate Change

As a fashion photographer, I pay the models. As a wildlife photographer, I can not pay the musk oxen herd in these photographs of animals. I’ve developed relationships with conservation organizations such as the Wolf Conservation Center, and World Animal Protection. A percentage of all print sales is given to these organizations to preserve animals. When you purchase a musk oxen print for your home decor, you are directly helping the animals.


Pictures of the Musk Oxen, the Arctic Giant

On my expeditions to capture musk oxen pictures, I have gained so much knowledge of these amazing beasts. With a local name that translates to ‘the bearded one,’ the Arctic Musk Ox is a large species of herbivore weighing up to 800 pounds or so.

Natives living in the arctic region generally use the musk ox wool or musk ox yarn due to the length, softness, and also warmth provides. They also have very thick horns on top of their forehead that works as a shield for the head butting for dominance in the herd.

See more musk oxen photos and other animals on our INSTAGRAM



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