Ejaz Khan Photography
6 min readJan 8, 2021


The Arctic fox also is known as the snow fox or the white fox looks adorable and is a delight to photograph. Enjoy photos of this cute furry ball in my gallery which is totally at home in the Arctic Tundra. Below, find more details on how climate change is affecting them.


Guide to Finding the Perfect Image for Your Home

Buying wall decor for your home can be a time-consuming and intimidating process. Many of us are not sure where to start. But that feeling of fear is gone once you find that one amazing photo. Our helpful tips will assist you in finding the perfect addition to your walls to get years of enjoyment every time you look at it.

These cute arctic images make for ideal wall decor for any space in your home. Having your home be surrounded by arctic fox pics is the perfect way to add a fun touch and more personality. The perfect photo art allows your space to feel true to your heart. The energy will amaze you when they are displayed throughout your walls. Our clients have bought the pics of arctic wildlife on paper to frame it themselves but we do offer them in a variety of sizes, print material, and also framing options. We use museum quality fine-art paper for our prints. As we use metallic paper for printing, the end product looks like a beautiful silver fox photo. We offer the best search experience for viewing fine art and learning more information with menu filters and content tools.


How Pictures of Arctic Foxes Will Help Wildlife Affected by Climate Change

We have done a lot of damage to our environment and also the animals living on our planet; I want to actively take more part in the solution of slowing down the rapidly happening global warming. There are so many categories that different animals fall in, but they will all be affected by climate change one way another. Which led me to work with conservation groups and also organizations that actively work hard at providing information and to pin down solutions.


As a fashion photographer, I pay the models. As a wildlife photographer, I can not pay the wildlife in my cute animal pictures. It is such a blessing experience to travel to these amazing places to take arctic fine art photography and I want to give back more. Therefore, a part of the sale proceeds from the arctic content and from our other collections is given to conservation organizations. The Wolf Conservation Center, California Wolf Center, and also World Animal Protection are part of these organizations. You will have one of nature’s most beautiful wall art. Stock photos and image vectors can be seen anywhere but our one of kind fine art prints capture so much of these amazing species. We welcome all to enjoy and share more of their pure beauty.

Fox Pictures in Their Habitat

The arctic fox in our cute animal pictures is also known by two other names, the snow fox and also the polar fox. It looks so adorable that you don’t want to take pictures but instead take it home as a pet. It’s such an amazing experience filled with joy and beauty. It survives in frigid Arctic temperatures that are as low as –58°F above the treeline where it makes its home. They have a specialized body that adapted to living in a harsh climate.

How Climate Change Affects the Fox in the Arctic

As I went out to capture these Arctic images, I’ve come across some important facts. Arctic wildlife are facing a big threat from climate change. Its frozen home in the Tundra is shrinking, its prey is also becoming less abundant. Because climate change forces other wildlife to move up north, the native Arctic wildlife face displacement. They are not endangered in America but are Critically Endangered in specific locations. Norway, Finland, and also Sweden are where the number of their population has dropped.

The world population of Arctic foxes is not endangered, but there are two subpopulations that face a different fate. One is on Medny Island (Russia), which its population has dropped as a result of an ear tick introduced by dogs in the 1970s. Those creatures are currently under treatment, but the result is still uncertain. Each picture on our site is created to create awareness of these beautiful creatures.

The other threatened population is the one in Fennoscandia (Norway, Sweden, Finland, and the Kola Peninsula). This population decreased as a result of extreme fur prices, which caused severe hunting also during population lows. Research and information show that the population has remained at a low density for more than 90 years, with additional reductions during the last decade. The total population estimate for 1997 is around 60 adults in Sweden, 11 adults in Finland, and 50 in Norway. All pictures in our fine art photography gallery support the conservations that help endangered species.


Different Seasons

The Arctic fox species is primarily a carnivore that lives inland, away from the coasts. They are dependent on the presence of smaller animals (most often lemmings) to survive. This information is very valuable for the awareness and preservation of wildlife and the ecosystem.

They live in underground dens. Occasionally, other family members may assist in raising their young. Natural predators are golden eagles, wolves, wolverines, polar bears, and also grizzly bears. But the whole time I was there, I saw them sitting peacefully and uninterrupted.

Arctic Fox Surviving in Cold Climate

Since they live in such a cold climate, to prevent heat loss, the Arctic fox, like in this photo art image, curls up tucking its head and legs under its body and behind its tail, just like in our cute animal pictures. The view of the white fox image brought a smile to my face. This way the fox gets the smallest surface area to volume ratio. It also protects the least insulated areas which make for great pictures of arctic foxes. The average head and body length of the male is 22 in, with a range of 18 to 27 in, while the female is very similar in size. In some regions, the information shows no difference in size is seen between males and also females.

Arctic Fox Images Shot in The Upper Arctic

Interview with Nikon about our Arctic Fox Images

Northern Exposure: A Fashion Photographer Pursues Arctic Wolves. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Firstly, the fox wanted to play. It was the second or third day of Ejaz Khan’s Canadian Arctic search for the elusive Arctic wolf. He’s actually not sure which day because searching the endless horizon for Arctic wolves “is so boring that time doesn’t pass” — when from inside his tent he saw motion outside.

Feel free to CONTACT US if you would like any more information about our arctic fox images, OUR EXPEDITION videos, and more wildlife content.

Viewing wildlife images through your browser or an app has no comparison to viewing the photo in live person and in full color.



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